While installing PAL terminal shows error "Docker compose command not found":-

While installing PAL terminal shows error "Docker compose command not found":-

Solution :-  
If this error message comes while running command in the terminal, please follow the process as  mentioned below:-

First Solution :       

  1. Open the terminal in the folder “Documents” and execute the command

sudo chmod -R 777 delivery/
  1. After that  Open the terminal in the folder “Documents/delivery”, and execute the command

sudo chmod 777 data/
  1. Open the terminal in the folder “Documents/delivery”, and execute the command

  1. After that run this command

  1. It will take around 5-10 Mins for this process to complete . Now start from section 3- school registration on CG LMS.
After that Docker compose command not found  then please contact The CG support team.